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Giving as an Act of Worship

At IFC Church, we believe that giving is more than just a financial transaction – it’s an act of worship. It’s a way of expressing our gratitude to God for his blessings, demonstrating our trust in his provision, and partnering with Him to advance His kingdom.

It’s easy to view giving as a mere obligation, a box to tick off on our to-do list. However, the Bible paints a very different picture. In 2 Corinthians 9:7, we’re reminded, “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” This verse beautifully encapsulates the spirit of giving that we strive for at IFC Church: generosity rooted in a heart filled with joy and gratitude, not guilt or pressure.

Where Your Gifts Make a Difference

At IFC Church, financial stewardship is taken seriously. We are committed to using every contribution entrusted to us wisely and effectively. Your generosity fuels a range of impactful ministries and programs, including, but not limited to:

  • Transforming Lives through the Benevolent Committee: The millions of CFA distributed by the Benevolent Committee last year helped numerous individuals and families within our church community. Through your generous contributions, they received clothing, food, medical care, and a helping hand when they needed it most.

  • Investing in the Future with Children’s & Youth Ministries: Your gifts allow us to provide enriching programs for the next generation of IFC Church. The Children’s Ministry and Youth Ministry flourish because of the resources made available through faithful giving.

  • Empowering Global Missions & Outreach: You play a vital role in IFCC’s reach beyond our walls. Your support enables us to partner with impactful ministries, send missionaries across the globe, and make a difference in communities around the world.

  • Cultivating a Space for Spiritual Growth: Everything from our sound system to the materials used in Bible study to the comfortable environment of our sanctuary is a result of generous giving. Your faithfulness in contributing to IFC Church helps create a space for people to connect with God, grow in their faith, and encounter His presence.

Giving From a Place of Gratitude

Our desire is for everyone at IFC Church to find joy in giving as a heartfelt expression of their worship. Giving should never feel burdensome or forced but rather should flow from a heart that is overflowing with thankfulness for all that God has done.

We uphold these values to guide our financial stewardship at IFC Church:

  • Transparency: We are dedicated to providing clear and regular financial reports to our congregation, ensuring that you know how your contributions are making a difference.

  • Integrity: Our finance team handles all church funds with the utmost care, integrity, and accountability, making responsible and ethical financial decisions that reflect God’s values.

  • Impact: We thoughtfully and prayerfully allocate resources to ensure your gifts have a meaningful impact on our church family, the local community, and our global mission partners.

Partner With God Through Giving

Whether you contribute through a bank transfer, mobile money, or give in person during our service, we want you to experience the joy and fulfillment of being a part of God’s work at IFC Church. Every contribution is significant and is deeply appreciated.

Remember the words of Proverbs 3:9-10, “Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.” When we trust God with our finances, we not only experience his provision for our needs but we open the doors to countless blessings.

Together, let’s make IFC Church a shining example of faith, generosity, and God’s transforming love!

You Can Give Your Regular Tithes & Offerings:

1. Bank Transfer
* Bank Name: GT Bank
* Account Number: 01202-000-000-096205/20
* Account Name: International Fellowship of Christians

2. Mobile Money
* Orange Money: +225 7813-2789
* MTN Money: +225 8565-1990
* MOOV Money: +225 4053-3434

3. In Person

  • Contact Church Administrator: Bro. Benjamin Tegbeh

    • Telephone Contacts:

      • +225 47 70 94 04

      • +225 05 67 54 38

      • +225 40 12 65 32

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